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Torch with Kevlar Wick



12,00 €

The Fire Torch is a convenient tool to set up your Fire Diabolo. Safely apply the flame to each wick of the diabolo at a distance. The torch can be used for Fire Spitting and Fakirism too. The kevlar wick is available in 2 sizes.


Lenght : 40cm

Wick : 25mm or 50mm

Fire Safety & Guidelines :

Fire manipulation is a high risk activity and DiaboloFocus is not responsible for any damages or injuries. By purchasing the Torch, you must accept all responsibilities and undesired consequences of its use and you agree to follow the guidelines below:

This product is not suitable for children and can be used from 18 years old only. Use a low burn temperature fuel that is adapted to the use of fire juggling. A competent fire safety personnel must be present to anticipate the risks and to be ready to act. A fire extinguisher is required. The user must be aware of its surroundings.

Kevlar Wick Lenght



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